Spadone offers up to 14" wide continuous cast bronze, fine grade plate, stocked in 144' lengths as standard items (Widths up to 20" wide can be made to order). Other lengths and widths are cut to your requirements. 

We carry Bearing bronze/CDA 932, Aluminum bronze/ CDA 954 & Manganese bronze/ CDA 863.

Secondary Processes
Saw cut plates and surface grinding are available up to 190". In addition, blanchard grinding is available up to 108", as well as squares and rectangles. We provide secondary processes on premises thanks to 5 in house saws. Do you need your wearplate, bearings and finished machined parts to be Oil Grooved or Graphite Plugged? Add Met 90 plugs for self lubrication! We provide secondary processes on premises! 

We stock our Bronze Plate in a Ground condition to +/-.004 on the thickness. 

Contact our sales team to assist you in selecting the proper alloy for your application and for more information on our secondary processes. Whether your application relates to mining, shipbuilding, power transmissions or aerospace our qualified sales staff can assist you with your questions.
Ground Wear Plate
Let us assist you
email me
Spadone-Alpha SLP LLC., P.O. Box 411, Westport, CT 06881
Call for a quote today! (800) 959-2529